The Complete Guide How To Train Your Cat!

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Introduction: What’s the Deal With Cats and Why Train Them Anyway? Cats are the most popular pet in the world. They are also one of the most misunderstood. Some people believe that cats are independent and don’t need any training, but in reality, they are just as trainable as dogs. Cats can learn to do anything that dogs can do. With a little patience, anyone can train their cat to sit, stay, fetch and roll over just like a dog would do. Cats can be trained to use a litter box or even walk on a leash with some practice and patience from their owner. Cats have different personalities so it’s important to understand what type of cat you have before you start training them. How to Train Your Cat Through Positive Reinforcement Cats are known for being independent animals that don’t need much attention from their owners. But, if you want to train your cat and teach it some new tricks, you can use positive reinforcement training. The idea behind this is that the cat will learn what’s expected of it when the owner provides a reward after the desired behavior. The reward can be anything from petting, playing with or feeding your cat. You should always be sure to give a reward as soon as possible after the desired behavior happens so that the cat knows what they are being rewarded for. Best Techniques to Keep Your Cat from Scratching Furniture Keeping your cat from scratching furniture can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. There are a few things you can try to make this happen. First, keep your cat’s nails trimmed so they don’t scratch up your furniture. You can ask your vet or groomer to do this for you or do it yourself with nail clippers and an emery board. Second, put plastic covers on the corners of furniture that are most likely to be scratched by cats. Third, place scratching posts around the house for the cat to use instead of your furniture. Fourth, make sure there are plenty of places for the cat to sleep and hide around the house so they have other options besides using your couch as their bed and hiding place. Fifth, try using double sided tape on areas that you don’t want scratched up by the cat’s claws. Tricks & Tips To Help You Train Your Pet Cat A lot of people have a hard time training their pet cats. This is especially true if the cat never had a good owner before. If you want to train your pet cat, then it is important to understand that they are very intelligent animals and they can learn quickly. You just need to be patient with them and give them time to get used to the new environment. They also need to know that you are in charge of everything in the house, including them. You should not let them bully you or meow at you constantly when they want something from you.

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